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Tag Archives: Rebellion

Early American Criminals: The Final Words and Thoughts of Francis Uss, Burglar

Francis Uss handed a manuscript to a visitor a “day or two before his suffering.” The manuscript was an account of his life and crimes, and it gives a remarkable picture of a man waiting to be hanged. Back and Forth Uss said that he was born in 1761 to “reputable parents,” who lived in […]

In the Media: A Podcast by Robert A. Gross on Shays’s Rebellion

The MIT Press Journals has just released a podcast titled A Yankee Rebellion? The Regulators, New England, and the New Nation by Robert A. Gross, the James L. and Shirley A. Draper Professor of Early American History at the University of Connecticut. In the podcast, Bill Fowler, Chair of the New England Quarterly‘s Board of […]