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Tag Archives: Georgia

EAC Podcast: Writing Bound with an Iron Chain

In this podcast, I talk about how I came up with the idea of writing my new book, Bound with an Iron Chain, and about my experience writing it. Book Update My book is slowly beginning to populate the various booksellers across the Web. Here is a list of websites from around the world where […]

Early American Criminals: Mistaken Identities in the Robbery of John “Ready Money” Scott

George Burns made one last desperate attempt to save himself: he wrote to the Attorney-General and named Ephraim Jones and Arthur Sykes as accomplices in a robbery that he had actually helped to pull off with three different men on July 29, 1766. The victim of the robbery, John “Ready Money” Scott, had mistakenly fingered […]

The Business of Convict Transportation: “Weren’t the Convicts All Sent to Georgia?”

Note: This post is part of a series on Convict Transportation to the American colonies. When I first began my investigation of convict transportation to the American colonies, I fully expected my project to focus on Georgia, because I had a distinct memory from grade school of a map of colonial America with the words […]